Is The Hook Wise?

Sadly, the answer is no.

One of the first lessons we learn as “wee kiddies” is dripping with irony…


So simple, yet so difficult to hold onto when we reach adulthood. Take me, for example. The last few years I’ve spent in the hospitality trenches have honed my “people skills”, but any skill is useless if you refuse to access it each and every time you need it.

And besides, here in the Western world. our entire society is predicated on the concept of judging others! We judge everyone. It’s the simple truth.

But let’s get to the heart of this particular matter, shall we?

An old married couple of Eastern European descent approached my desk recently. I couldn’t identify their dialect, but one thing was certain; they were hoppin’ mad about something! She was seething with tension (And very vocal about it!) and he was mumbling while lowering his head. To be fair, he was probably concerned for his safety; she was tiny yet mighty!

She  threw the valet parking tag on my desk until I informed her of just where she could take it (Not there!) and she stormed off to the Valet Desk while he fished out a luggage tag for their bags. I retrieved the luggage, but they had both gone outside by the time I returned!

Their car was going to be at least ten minutes, but they decided fighting outside was their best bet – that way they could catch a cold while inducing a heart attack simultaneously! I decided to steer clear of this debacle and dropped their “luggage” – all they had were small duffels and plastic bags – at a bench closest to their combat zone.

I returned the empty cart to our back room and returned to an astonishing sight: the wife was standing at my desk pleading with my colleague to ensure I received the $5 top she had left for me!

It was like a switch had been turned inside her little immigrant brain, inducing smiles and kindness. She waved goodbye to me and headed back out to her van to meet her equally happy hubby. At first I simply assumed their meds had kicked in, but then it dawned on me…

They were mad at each other, not The Hook.

I felt like a complete fool. Especially when my next storage call – a pleasant-mannered American couple in their fifties – stiffed me after I not only took their cart outside, but loaded their vehicle as well!

I really am a dumb ass sometimes…


Niagara Falls Comic-Con 2012

June 9. 2012 10 A.M – 7 P.M.
Scotiabank Convention Centre
Niagara Falls. Ontario. Canada

For full details, click here, fan boys and girls!

About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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81 Responses to Is The Hook Wise?

  1. Woman says:

    You make me laugh Mister The Hook!!!

    I cannot remember where I heard it, it could be Mary Poppins actually, but sometimes, we don’t look past the end of our noses and see the bigger picture. Even the most wisest of the wise have made these mistakes. What makes a creature wise, is the ability to learn from it.

    So. There you have it!!! You can be wise if you so choose to be that way!!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Lol.. a wise dumb arse. Been there done that.

  3. jumpingpolarbear says:

    He he, us East-Europeans hava a different temper than you Americans :).

  4. The Hobbler says:

    You are just about the farthest thing I can think of from a dumb ass Hook. Save that for the people who can’t come up with witty things to say at the drop of a hat.

  5. raisingdaisy says:

    LOL Well your good service seems to have made them happy with the world and each other too, Hook! 🙂 You’re right that we’re a judgment-based society; I don’t think it’s limited to the western world either. And that’s one of the wonderful things about having a dog – when you get home, you enter a No Judgment Zone. They love you no matter how you feel, what you look like, or what your place in the world is. If you’re particularly mad, they’ll give you your space and just stare at you from afar with soft, sympathetic eyes – you can’t help but smile. Much better than most human relationships, don’t you think? 😉

  6. aFrankAngle says:

    You are truly an endless stream of material for yourself.

  7. wherethedaytakesme says:

    Sometimes we don’t get it right, but we keep on keeping. Keep up the observation Hook.

  8. Sorry you got stiffed by the Ugly American; now you know that even *angry* Europeans have class.

  9. mairedubhtx says:

    No,no. Not a dumb ass. You are wise beyond your years. You recognized the elderly couple were angry with each other. The most pleasant looking couple can be the biggest assholes. That’s how they get to look so nice and dressed up and pretty, by not giving away their money to service workers.

  10. Val says:

    Has anyone else ever told you that they were caught by the ‘hook’ at the end of your stories? Anyway, you got me laughing with this one!

  11. ~mimo~ says:

    I love your humor!

  12. Ink Pastries says:

    As a massage therapist who accepts tips (in fact, they pay for my food), I understand what you mean exactly. Been surprised many a time.

  13. TBM says:

    I’m glad you got a tip…and we all learned a valuable lesson from you. Thanks Hook!

  14. You just never know. You can be having one of those terrible horrible no good very bad days, then all of a sudden out of no-where, someone hands you a flower ( or tip, in your case)…or is it the universe’s odd sense of humor just sucking you back in? Beats me. You rock, oh Sage of the Hospitality Trenches

  15. Ha that little woman sounds like my Croation Granny! Definitely best to be on her side ; )

  16. susielindau says:

    I have been guilty of misreading others too! Why do I always think it’s about me??? Because it should be! Hahaha!

  17. You can’t be wise all the time! I’ll join in for that. I can do such unbelievable dumb things!
    I must confess that I do judge books by their cover. I mean, really books. And people actually too…

  18. ravenofleyla says:

    I read the situation incorrectly now and then too! Have to remove foot from mouth…I have learned to keep thoughts to self…saves my pride. LOVE this 🙂

  19. Lily says:

    Never assume it’s your fault, Hook! You’re always doing good deeds!

  20. meredith says:

    dumb ass? no. wise ass? perhaps. 😀 you’re hilarious!

  21. Great story, my friend…. however I could never believe it; you a dumb _ _ _ ?
    Get that tongue out of your cheek… 😉 Great read though, nonetheless… 😉

  22. The Guat says:

    Catching a cold and a heart attack dude…you crack me up. This happens often people are constantly pissed off with each other then take it out on the guy or chick just passing by or trying to help…I think sometimes we are all dumbasses 😉 I learned not to take things personally unless they say “I am pissed off at you” …

  23. dogear6 says:

    I’m not sure you can predict how people are going to act, especially to the kind of work that you are doing!


  24. The fighting couples are the best…may every couple you meet fight on their way out

  25. Lynn says:

    Niice story.Don’t worry about making this kind of mistakes,we all do it with some people every they and probably don’t know .

  26. Simon says:

    The hook is very wise because he adapts and learns and matures and will at least now judge a book by the picture of the author in the back flap.

  27. cassiebehle says:

    Great post! Loved the (not there!) part in particular. 🙂 I try to always be kind and pleasant to everyone I meet, but that is a harder task than I have ever imagined some days! It takes all kinds, doesn’t it…

  28. mj monaghan says:

    It’s all about being rigidly flexible, my friend! hehe

  29. Caroline says:

    Yes, you are too wise Mr. Hook! You’re quick witted and definitely have street smarts…which I think you’ve got to have in your business. I think I’d fail miserably! Nice that the foreign couple wasn’t mad at you and tipped. 🙂

  30. Jo Bryant says:

    Dumb arse…what a silly man…you are just cautious having been bitten a few times…but how lovely that she did prove you wrong and provide a life lesson…we all need them at times.

  31. I was at a hospital the other day where there was a 5 year old girl swearing in Albanian at one of the nurses. The funny thing was the nurse spoke Albanian, but this little girl didn’t know it. Life is funny sometimes.

  32. For years whenever I encountered an upset or angry person I immediately thought “Oh, no, what did I do?” Since then I’ve figured out that most people are so obsessed with their own lives that they very rarely think of me (or anyone else for that matter). Of course they loved you!! I couldn’t imagine it being otherwise…

    • The Hook says:

      You sound like my #1 fan! Very cool! I’m sure my wife could offer a different viewpoint where my “sparkling personality” is concerned…

  33. It’s like the ‘My Car Is The Center Of The Universe’ Syndrome, which does pretty much what it says on the tin. The number of times I’ve had to hear my mother rant about a car horn which probably wasn’t even meant for her…

    Great post! You are wise to learn from your mistakes – and even more so for showing them and sharing them, so we can learn the easy way. 😀

  34. giselzitrone says:

    Lieber Freund wünsche dir ein wunderschönes weeken mit vill Sonne Gruss Gidlinde

  35. Blink says:

    Ha ha!
    lessons learned ..
    I’ll now refrain from prejudgments.

  36. ConnieMaria says:

    Judging people is something we all do – whether we admit it or not. 😀 I’ve learned my lesson quite a few times too but – you’ve just gotta learn from it and remember it moving forward I suppose. No one’s perfect. 🙂

  37. HoaiPhai says:

    You never can tell about people, can you?

    • The Hook says:

      No you can’t! Nice to hear from you old friend!

      • HoaiPhai says:

        I’ve had three days off in the past 5 weeks and my wife is laid off, not exactly conducive to “free time”, and it’s been like that all winter. I’ve missed your blog and I feel guilty, like when you take off from school and go back. Congratulations on the book!!

      • The Hook says:

        You’re apologizing to me? I barely have time to check out my friend’s blogs either, so don’t feel bad! And thanks for the good wishes!

      • HoaiPhai says:

        Yup, I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve abandoned a lot of people lately but the real world becons.

      • The Hook says:

        Hey, you don’t have to tell me about the pressures of the real world!

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