Just Another Saturday Night…

5:05 p.m: My day’s labors’ complete – although, truthfully, I did not labor much that day – a weary bellman heads home to his loving family.

5:20 p.m.: VampireLover (the wife) prepares my favorite dish – pork chops – and I enjoy a lovely meal with my girl.

8:10 p.m.: I’m clean, full and ready to settle in with the family in front of the tube (or more accurately, the flat-screen), when I realize everyone has something to occupy themselves with, like knitting and a tablet.

8:12 p.m.: I fire up the laptop and surf Twitter and a few blogs. I head over to one particular blog that always brings me comfort and a few hearty laughs – and the wind goes right out of my sails, to say the least. After I process the ramifications of yet another failure, I shut the laptop down and head upstairs to find something cheap to smash. I catch this conversation as I go…

THE DAUGHTER: Why do the guys on The Big Bang Theory have such trouble talking to girls?

VAMPIRELOVER: Because they’re comic book geeks – like you’re father.


VL: Well, it’s true.

THE HOOK: I snagged you, didn’t I?

THE DAUGHTER: I still don’t understand that…

THE HOOK: Even nicer.

THE DAUGHTER: Well, it’s true, I just don’t get it!

At the end of the day, all a man really has is the love and support of his family.

I am well and truly screwed.


A shout-out to my blog buddy, Kristen Lamb and her best-selling tome, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. Give it a try, folks. You won’t be disappointed…



The next chapter of my first foray into fiction is up and running at Wattpad. I have a long way to go as a fiction writer, and I could use all the constructive criticism I can get, so help me out, okay?



About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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41 Responses to Just Another Saturday Night…

  1. I am so happy I will not be having that problem. I myself am the computer kind of geek and I’m happy that I gained a son who is showing the same symptoms of geekofilia as me at his early age! So if anything my wife is going to be the one made fun of for, uuuhm, I can’t really think of anything…

  2. wherethedaytakesme says:

    lol, good one. Opposites truely attract and the rights ones stay together. 🙂

  3. granny1947 says:

    Well I’ll be…….
    Never figured you for a Geek.

  4. Lafemmeroar says:

    You might be screwed but you’re screwed in the best possible way! 🙂

  5. renxkyoko says:

    Ah, Mr. Hook, I really feel and think I’m a geek. I passed up so many hot dates coz I preferred to come home from school, rest, study or play my video games. That’s not what a normal young ‘un like me should do. Ha ha ha !

  6. leah says:

    Way to go Sherminator! Sorry about the failure that made you want to smash something. L.

  7. I think I like your family. 🙂

  8. MissFourEyes says:

    Comic book geeks are the best!

  9. My husband and I came from two different worlds too… oh well, makes life interesting! I will head over and check out your fiction…

  10. Kat says:

    Very funny. Now there’s a lovely denouement. I like VampireLover 🙂

  11. jlheuer says:

    This is from Insatiable Booksluts, a blog I follow and I thought of you when I read this post. It may depress you, it may encourage you but I hope its the latter. http://insatiablebooksluts.com/2012/11/05/so-you-want-to-charge-more-than-99-cents-for-your-ebooks-heres-how/#comments

  12. becca3416 says:

    Good for you Hook… you nerd ;).

  13. Jo Bryant says:

    you can always rely on kids to burst your bubble

  14. Val says:

    A conversation containing the words ‘like your father’ never ends well!
    Just had a few hearty laughs at your expense 😀 thanks Hook!

  15. Sweet…! Let’s not rush the ‘growing up’ process..!
    It happens soon enough, my dear Hook… 😉

  16. Pingback: A Chip Off The Old Hook Block… | You've Been Hooked!

  17. Another great post, yo! 🙂

  18. mizqui says:

    I think comic book reading, ComiCon nerds are the sexiest (my husband is one), but like your daughter, I don’t get the guys on THE BIG BANG THEORY. Oh well – I get you & I’m still HOOK’ed. Ow!

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