A Chip Off The Old Hook Block…

Yesterday was the 18th annual installment of “Take Our Kids to Work Day”, an event my daughter has been anticipating virtually since birth.

So did it live up to her sky-high expectations? You be the judge.

To begin with, she arrived twenty minutes late to an orientation/presentation – some people would call that smart – but she made it in time for the nickel tour, which had her raving afterwards. Her tardiness falls squarely on my shoulders, but in my defense, I knew nothing of the hotel’s plans for our junior associates. I was, however, aware of the five buses we had arriving later on that day, not to mention my daughter’s numerous pleas to be a part of that process.

Her old man, unfortunately lost his zeal for bus tours years ago. The irony was not lost on me.

At any rate, Sarah’s youthful enthusiasm was infectious; she put a smile on the face of everyone she encountered, including my fellow jaded employees. I swear, if she had been wearing a beret, she would have been able to toss it in the air and it would have hovered there.

I realize that reference will be lost on most of you, but I stand by it. We spent the morning engaged in the age old winter-time routine of a bellman:

  • Do a call: a nice old couple from Collingwood who were “tickled pink” by my sidekick.
  • Sit in the “bell room” – a low-rent version of the Batcave, minus the cool toys and the butler –  for twenty minutes.
  • Do a call: two redneck couples whose greatest unrealized ambition is to produce a single child capable of walking upright. They stiffed me, but they were from New jersey so I figured Mother Nature and God have meted out a far worse punishment to them than I could have ever conceived…
  • Sit… You get the idea.

Truthfully, November is not an ideal time for this sort of program in a tourism town like Niagara Falls, but that didn’t phase Sarah one bit. Not only was she thankful for the break from the high school grind, she soon realized that being the daughter of a bellman made for a pretty sweet deal when it came to Take Our Kids to Work Day…

“The other kids are cleaning rooms and working in the laundry room. We get to move around and make tips!”

My job in a nutshell.

The afternoon began to take its toll – on me, not Sarah. She was still glowing and ready to rock ‘n roll when the buses began to arrive. The two hours that followed brought with them a realization that every father simultaneously adores and dreads: my little girl proved herself to be a capable and conscientious worker. 

Seriously, I’ve worked with a lot of bellmen/bell people, and Sarah proved to be every bit as capable as any of them. Heck, she even left more than a few in the dust.

  • She loaded carts, some with bags that matched her body weight.
  • Steering a full cart can be a challenge on an even grade, never mind an incline, but Sarah managed it like a pro.
  • Bags were delivered to the correct room and in record time.

Five buses later she was still rarin’ to go, but Mom arrived to wrangle her little worker bee back to a teenager’s reality. I decided to pull the plug early and join her; it was New Comic Book Day after all…

Twenty minutes later we were home and we both crashed out in front of the couch. The evening ended with a new episode of Supernatural and a sweet memory. One final note: at one point in the day we delivered bags to a high-maintenance, upscale African American gentleman who was concerned about whether or not we’d be able to deliver his bags quickly and safely. We succeeded on both counts and were compensated… with a toonie.

“That’s it?” was Sarah’s reaction.

I’ve never been prouder.


A shout-out to my blog buddy, Kristen Lamb and her best-selling tome, We Are Not Alone: The Writer’s Guide to Social Media. Give it a try, folks. You won’t be disappointed…



The next chapter of my first foray into fiction is up and running at Wattpad. I have a long way to go as a fiction writer, and I could use all the constructive criticism I can get, so help me out, okay?

About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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61 Responses to A Chip Off The Old Hook Block…

  1. “Mary Tyler Moore” Beret…!?!
    What else could be expected from your wonderful daughter…
    Congratulations Sarah, you did your Dad proud….!
    A toonie – “That’s it?” was Sarah’s reaction.
    It’s great to see a ‘chip off the old block’…! 😉

  2. Jennifer says:

    For this little Aussie, what’s a toonie?? sounds like a day enjoyed by both. Well done Sarah!

  3. Jo Bryant says:

    Ain’t kids amazing…now what is a toonie ?????

  4. leah says:

    I totally get the reference! I’ve said it before but you and vampirelover are raising a spectacular young lady! LJ

  5. Sounds like Sarah enjoyed take your kid to work day a lot more than I did. I recall sitting in a meeting room for eight hours straight and completing about 18 pages of doodles on hotel stationary.
    Sounds like good father/daughter time. My dad and I are similar, only it’s Doctor Who instead of Supernatural.

  6. Definitely sounds like a great day! (And I feel special to know what a Toonie is! ^.^)

    I was thinking a reference to the cartoon book “Madeline” for the beret? (Could be totally wrong…)

  7. She sounds like a jewel. Enjoy!

  8. Brother Jon says:

    Rednecks from New Jersey? I wonder if that’s where our redneck ancestors are from?

  9. TBM says:

    Ah, to be young and excited to work…what the heck happened to me.

  10. Karmel says:

    The daughter of a button, is certainly as smart as a minister, like the father in addition to smart, can feel even prouder.
    beautiful writing The Hook

    A kiss.

  11. mairedubhtx says:

    Sounds like you and Sarah had a wonderful day and she learned a lot about what dear old dad does to put food on the table and comics in the hand. Congratulations!

  12. Ray's Mom says:

    You are special parents as indicated in your loving story of your day with Sarah. I love the NJ rednecks, they usually consider the rest of civilization rednecks…..(know some people from “up there” that I would rather not admit knowing).

    Loved the story and a dad who obviously loves his lovely daughter. Photo please one day of dad and daughter..

  13. raisingdaisy says:

    You certainly have a LOT to be proud of!

  14. jlheuer says:

    Great post. They never had a “bring your kid day…” when my son was growing up. More’s the pity. From your comments it looks like your next post will have to be on Canadian money.

  15. becca3416 says:

    Brought the post home with that cute quote at the end. Like father like daughter, eh?

  16. becca3416 says:

    P.S. I may be young, but I caught the hat reference ;).

  17. MissFourEyes says:

    Your daughter is awesome, of course. Love her reaction “That’s it?”!

  18. robincoyle says:

    Okay . . . I saw your “like” on my post and because I am a stalker (just kidding) I came over here to see what you are about. You are about funny. I chuckled my way through this post. I love your writing style. My beret is hovering in the air that I found you . . . er . . . you found me . . . er . . . whatever.

  19. dogear6 says:

    Too bad Sarah can’t go more with you and help out! I’m glad she had a good day with you.


  20. Jessica says:

    I also immediately got the beret reference and thought it was a fantastic visual!! Does that mean I am old?
    Great post…something so special about a daddy and their daughter isn’t there:) And I think your story captured you heart beautifully…that she has clearly captured yours!
    J. Stilwell

    • The Hook says:

      You’re far from old… young lady! Thanks for the visit; I realize your time is more valuable than ever these days.
      And yes, my daughter has definitely captured my heart. All the best to you and yours.

  21. Will she be following in dad’s footsteps? Probably not. She will probably run the hotel. The good news is that you will still have a job.

  22. Simona says:

    ❀¸¸¸.•*´¯`❀ ✿

  23. Why do I picture Sarah being the Dean to your Bobby? (Although you actually are her dad) And I still can’t stop laughing at the way Garth says “Balls!”, its cute when he says it. Sarah has that Hook instinct.

  24. Lafemmeroar says:

    Aw … Sarah seems absolutely lovely … she’s a Mary … see the reference wasn’t lost on me 🙂

  25. Maybe Sarah will be a bellperson too when she grows up! Or…maybe the owner of a multimillion dollar hotel chain, she’s got the background and the talent!

  26. Pingback: The Reality and 100% Affidabile (Reliable) Blog Awards | My Sardinian Life

  27. Well.. of course she was awesome!! She’s a chip off the old block, er young block:D

  28. Sounds like you two had a blast. I remember going to work with my Mom at the allergy clinic when I was a kid. It wasn’t really anything special since I already went there for my check ups and I hung out there when she picked me up from school sick.
    I just wanted to share that I am a fan of Supernatural. Love it!

  29. Pingback: Loser Like The Hook… | You've Been Hooked!

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