Selena Gomez (Soft) Rocked Hamilton!

After years of denying her requests, VampireLover and I acquiesced and granted our daughter access to the wild and wonderful world of rock concerts.

She found it quite enlightening to see watch Ms. Gomez on television in the morning and see her take the stage in the evening. I found it enlightening as well, although my take on the whole affair obviously differed from hers. Just getting to the venue alone was an experience!

First we had to wage an internet battle to snap up decent seats that didn’t require a second mortgage. The credit goes to Glee Girl – as she likes to be called – for this one, as she logged onto Disney’s Family Channel website and snagged her seats days before the general teenybopper public and at a price dear old dad could live with.

I love that kid.

So we headed out on a Saturday night, tickets in hand and fought the snarl of traffic in front of the venue to secure our plum spot in the underground parking garage. Fortunately, VampireLover was in charge of our itinerary and her sense of timing allowed us to avoid waiting outside in the cold. We did, however, spend some time in line throughout the night.

First there was the line to the swag table, where we decided to divide our forces, with the girls fighting for a t-shirt, while The Hook hit the concession line. But first I had to snag a program. Easier said than done, considering every vendor was sold out, except for the guy positioned at the entrance, which was one floor below my position and flanked by hundreds of arriving kids and shell-shocked parents!

Did I mention I love my kid?

  • $160 for 3 tickets. (Actually a great price! Seriously.)
  • $100 for dinner before the show.
  • $20 for parking.
  • $25 for a program.
  • $40 for a t-shirt.
  • $65 for a hoodie.
  • $10 for a flashing light stick. (I guess lighters are really old school!)
  • $9 for 1 Pepsi and some cotton candy.

Don’t get me wrong, seeing Sarah’s face light up before the show even started made it all worthwhile. Still, I don’t intend to revisit the whole financial aspect of the event. Ever. VampireLover was still in line when the show started and this little wisp of a girl ran out onto the stage to perform a Rhianna cover.

GLEE GIRL: Who the heck is this?

THE HOOK: You’re asking me?

Christina Grimmie is a product of the YouTube Pop Singer Factory, although she doesn’t bring anything new to the table, she did inspire a great exchange between father and daughter. After finally introducing herself, Grimmie shared her bio with the crowd, including the fact she’s been posting on YouTube for two years.

GG: Two years?

THE HOOK: Does that seem like a long time to you?

GG: Oh yeah!

Instant fame is a product of the times; we have that screeching horror known as Rebecca Black to thank for that.  Grimmie was followed by Shawn Desman who encouraged the crowd to hug their parents, no doubt to thank them for sacrificing their hearing and financial well-being. It was strange to see the really young kids singing along as Desman as sang of “sexy girls and rockin’ the club’ but he put on a great performance, so I think I’ll save my criticism for the headliner.

The lights dimmed, the screaming rose to a fevered pitch. and the singer who is currently more famous for letting Justin Bieber jump up and down on her than her own body of work, took the stage. Right off the bat you could see Gomez is an “artist” in transition; her performance and background scream J.Lo, her outfits scream Shakira, and her fans just scream.

Speaking of her outfits, Sarah’s only critiques were purely fashion-focused.

GG: Do you see her outfit?

THE HOOK: I’m trying not to!

Honestly, Gomez’s breasts are such a prominent fixture on the stage I can only assume they have their own dressing room. Nevertheless, she sounded perfect – too perfect, in fact – and she worked the crowd like a seasoned Disney-trained pro. She even paused the show to deliver a “heartfelt” show of gratitude for her fans’ devotion. “I remember being the little girl in the nosebleeds.” she says, her words accompanied by a teary-eyed expression. She then recalled her first concert as a spectator and the profound impression it left. The emotional outpouring concluded with a tribute to the headliner of that first concert, Ms. Britney Spears.

I have to admit, I was extremely shocked that a Disney-owned product – and make no mistake, Selena Gomez has a “Property of Disney” stamp somewhere on her form – would be allowed to pay tribute to a fallen pop idol. Then again Spears started as a Mouseketeer, so they probably share the same tattoo.

Bucking expectations, there was no “surprise appearance” by Justin Bieber – they’ve been traveling Canada in true rock star style –  although eagle-eyed fans could spot the pop sensation with the lesbian haircut whenever the back curtain was drawn open. Still, no one appeared to be disappointed by the final product. It was cute to see Sarah’s expression when Selena left the stage without performing two of her biggest hits, “Who Says” and “Magic”.

VAMPIRELOVER: She’ll be back. It’s called an “encore”.

GG: Are you sure?

Sure enough, Gomez returned and gave her audience one last thrill, complete with confetti cannons. She actually enlightened The Hook in the process. Even though some critics have labelled the song unoriginal and tepid, “Who Says” has become an anthem for kids who feel weak and unloved by the world at large, specifically by their peers. You could actually feel the pure joy emanating from these children as they sang along and danced their little hearts out.

Selena Gomez may be as artificial as NutraSweet, but anyone who can make my daughter smile so hard her face hurts is making a positive mark in the world, and you can’t ask for more than that.

About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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68 Responses to Selena Gomez (Soft) Rocked Hamilton!

  1. My dad was the road manager for a rock band so I got to go to zero concerts as a girl (there is such a thing as fathers having too much information) so nice to hear Sarah gets to go and enjoy the circus that is Pop music!

  2. Erica Leduc says:

    Which Hamilton did this take place in/at???

  3. irratebass says:

    Sigh….the things we do for the kids. You poor guy.

  4. melsar93 says:

    Those are the best moments aren’t they?

  5. Your price list made me VERY happy we didn’t take the Oldest to the concert here. I don’t think I could have sat through it, either.

  6. Cindy says:

    I am glad she enjoyed the concert. But I am recovering from the costs, considering the ZAR exchange rate, is the Candian $ the same as the American $???

    • The Hook says:

      No, Canadian is different but the rates fluctuate so much, I’m not sure where we stand right these days. Either way, i have to schlep A LOT of bags to recover my costs!

  7. Sandi Ormsby says:

    Concerts have gotten so out of hand price wise. Even to see older bands, that are no longer headliners…you just want to go and relax, and remember “back when” and Def Leppard expects top dollar…what?

    We still have a little bit of time before our kids want to see a concert. Hmmm. I wonder who will be the sensation then? Probably another Disney person…or boy/girl band. Growing up we had Menudo, New Edition, Back Street Boys, N’Sync…and then later there was Spice Girls, Cheetah Girls…there will be someone else!

    Lake Forest, CA

    • The Hook says:

      My wife LOVES Def Leppard! I brought her to one of their two shows I attended, and she didn’t sit down the whole time! Just you wait, your time is definitely coming! And yes, it will more than likely be another Disney product you’ll be seeing!

  8. Oh boy, does this bring back memories. Funny. Funny Nice post – just like being there

  9. I’m so glad that this concert had a positive influence on your daughter! One that I was starry-eyed over was Celtic Thunder. $90 for those tickets, but MAN was it worth it!!!

  10. raisingdaisy says:

    And so it begins….I remember my first rock concert, there was no stopping me from going after that! Nothing beats the power of live music and seeing your idols in the flesh. I once spent more than your evening’s total on ONE ticket just to be second row center for the Stones, so don’t feel too bad! 🙂 (And it was worth every penny!!)

  11. skybambi says:

    Aww you’re a great dad! 🙂 I remember the first time my dad brought me for a concert, it was just the two of us. It was one of our most memorable memories together. Your daughter is a lucky lil girl!

    • The Hook says:

      We try to give her the whole nine yards when to comes to the joys of childhood. I just hope we get it right and balance the material things with the intangible emotional moments that will shape her life.

  12. Spectra says:

    This is a very enlightening description of the whole affair, including the over $400 pice tag – whats that in Canadian? like, $700? Much. It was good of you to take her and make a family night of it. One of the things I don’t miss about not having kids – its expensive!

  13. This is such an awesome post I almost cried. First concerts are the best and it’s nice that you were able to share this with your daughter. She will remember it forever, cool Dad. 🙂

  14. gmom says:

    You get the “Best Dad” award.
    Really and truly devoted.
    You are a better man than I am even though I am female. I don’t do concerts (nor windows).
    My rugrats get to the venues under their own steam and paychecks, and they love it.
    Husband and I groove to an older beat. But this was totally kind of you and very inspiring!

    • The Hook says:

      if I’ve inspired you – your work is an inspiration to me – then my blogging efforts are not in vain! Thanks fo rthe visit and praise.

  15. Wow, I had no idea concerts cost so much – that’s crazy! And you’re obviously a fabulous dad, if only for buying both a t-shirt and a sweatshirt!

  16. Fox@n says:

    Wow sounds great. Always over price things at those events. Yeah you did a good job Hook Well done.

  17. eva626 says:

    we sang to her song ‘love song’ during our karaoke ….it was a fail lol

  18. giselzitrone says:

    Danke wünsche einen schönen Abend Gruss Gislinde

  19. sonsothunder says:

    I saw “Captain America ” last night…that anorexic British guy portrayed a pretty darn good computerized version of a muscle bound American Hero…or was it the other way around? Anyway, the entire two hour movie seemed to go by as a ten minute set up for “Captain America 2”.. I’ll bring the pop-corn, be there in ten minutes, though, it may seem an eternity…Steam Punk.. Got a love it..

    • The Hook says:

      Personally, I loved Captain America, but superhero movies are ina class by themselves, aren’t they? They’re not for everyone.
      Thanks for the visit.

  20. Jo Bryant says:

    The Daughter ropes me in to going to the concerts her friends don’t want to – the OLD stuff. We’ve been to The Police, The Stones, and recently U2 together. The songs I don’t know so well she belts out and visa versa – at U2 we had the concert goers from hell behind us. 40 somethings who think they’re cool, when really they’re just pissed, and they spill their drink over you, and fall into you, and flash their knickers when they do…grrrrr. When I finally had enough and miss bleached blonde with the flashy knickers fell into me one more time – I shoved with everything I had and sent her rolling a couple of rows back. Nearly wet my pants laughing – man growing old sucks !!!!! The Daughter was like “Mum – behave…”
    So I reminded her that after all she had put me through in 21 years – I was owed a little payback embarrassment…hehehehehe

  21. granny1947 says:

    That is one outing your daughter will never forget.
    Good on you!

  22. You’re a good parent, pat on the backs for you 🙂 But seriously “Gomez’s breasts are such a prominent fixture on the stage I can only assume they have their own dressing room” classic Hook! Total classic. Had me snorting out my cup of tea through my nose. 🙂

  23. Nice of you to take her! I admit “Who says” is pretty catchy 🙂

  24. $160 for 3 tickets. (Actually a great price! Seriously.)
    $100 for dinner before the show.
    $20 for parking.
    $25 for a program.
    $40 for a t-shirt.
    $65 for a hoodie.
    $10 for a flashing light stick. (I guess lighters are really old school!)
    $9 for 1 Pepsi and some cotton candy.
    Father who goes the extra distance for his little girl: Priceless.
    You’re a true gentleman, Hook. 🙂

  25. jennygoth says:

    im sure you will be repeating the the concert scene now lol sounds like you enjoyed it and see your daughter happy makes it all worth it rock on dad xxjen

  26. Caroline says:

    This is so sweet. I know my dad would do the exact same thing for me (especially because I’m the only daughter). Glad to hear the night was enjoyable, aside from Selena’s mediocre singing/music. You’re right–as long as it made your daughter happy. 🙂

  27. Awww, you’re a good father to do all that for your little girl! 🙂

  28. kat says:

    Nine bucks for a Pepsi? Oh right, you bought cotton candy too. That explains it.

    Who is Rebecca Black?

    I guess it’s obvious I am childless.

    Good post! Sounds like you went above and beyond for your daughter. 🙂

  29. Androgoth says:

    I am late to respond to this one Hook but now that I am here I am just wondering how many wicked treats you got from your Vampire Lover… How do you mean the concert was for Sarah? Yes I know but I still bet the treats were in full swing 🙂 I can see that the expense was never spared and that she had a most exquisite time, what a wonderful moment seeing her face light up like that… A wicked posting Hook and now I am going to read your next outing 🙂 Have a wonderfully wicked rest of day and evening Hook and be good, if you can I mean? 🙂 lol


  30. susielindau says:

    I love your sense of humor! This is a great post and enlightening. I remember dropping off our daughter at a concert once and my husband and I spent the next 4 hours trying to keep each other awake at a local Irish pub. That was the night I taught my husband how to text! So Lame and yet it worked!
    Great post!

  31. breezyk says:

    Great post- is it sad that I actually wish I had a child who I could use as a front for my own desire to attend a Selena Gomez concert? 😉

  32. jakesprinter says:

    Great post 🙂

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