5×5 With The Hook: Rarasaur

Her namesake died out long ago, but her writing is alive with manic energy that lights up the blogosphere with 1.21 gigawatts of fun.

She is Rara and she will crush you with her unique brand of tea and madness.

Her blog is a joy to explore – I often just click away without even reading, that’s how cool her cyber-pad is – and it contains some of the best work being done by any writer of any caliber today. Rara can go toe -to-toe with the Big Boys and Girls – and walk away with her head held high.

But enough of my

1)  If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be?  (Obviously, anything dino-related is verboten!)

If it was absolutely just for one day, I’d like to be a simple household cat to see the world through the eyes of my beloved friends.

 2)  Yours is a heart dipped in poetic verse, but who is your favorite poet?

Depending on the day, it always seems to be a toss-up between Hafiz, Shel Silverstein, Pablo Neruda, Shakespeare, and Bukowski.    And though I wouldn’t call them favorites in the traditional sense, I’m most apt to quote from Ella Wheeler Wilcox or e.e. cummings so I can’t leave them out of any favorites list either!

3)  The best thing about being a geek is…


There’s often very little connecting one geek to another– the difference between a Trekker and a Tolkein geek is the difference between Kobe steak and Kobe Bryant. But still– there’s a bond between us all because we know what it is to be lovingly devoted to an idea, place, time, hope, or hero.

A short story here:  Nearly 10 years ago, I was working at a hotel that frequently had celebrity guests.  Most walked in and out without any hullabaloo.  One day though, Julie Newmar strolled in — nearly 70 years old, and still astoundingly beautiful.  The boys I worked with were tripping over themselves to help her.  The grumpy elderly hotel concierge had a huge smile on his face.  A family on vacation with all manner of sports and kayak stuff looked her over and asked, “I don’t get it, did she used to be somebody?”

A little girl, born decades after the release of that 1960 television series responded, “She IS somebody.  That. is. Catwoman.  She’s my hero!”

See, geek love doesn’t die.  It just gets pulled into the next generation.


4)  This feature is all about making a positive impact on people through blogging; you’re one of the best and brightest lights on WordPress.  In your humble opinion, which qualities make for a successful blogger?

Aw, thank you kindly. 

By defining “successful” as “finding joy in your work and being sustained by the goodwill of a well-matched community” – I would say:

(1)  Make your house a home. Emphasize regularity of voice, content type, schedule or visual appeal. 

(2)  Be brave.  Ask one more question than you normally would. Make the first move.  Tell the story that’s hard to tell.

(3)  Be as kind and generous to yourself as you are to your readers and fellow bloggers.  The world won’t end if you miss a day, or misspell a word, or forget a link.  Be as grateful for yourself as we are for you.

(I don’t know About you, but that answer gave me chills.  Awesome!)

5)  Besides your artificial dino-skin, what do you like to wrap your human flesh in?  In other words, what are you wearing?  (And no, that didn’t sound any less creepy in my head, but I went with it anyway.)
Haha! Picture attached.



Do I have the words to follow such positively-charged brilliance?  I think not.

My thanks to Rara for showing me how its done. See you in the lobby, folks…


About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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109 Responses to 5×5 With The Hook: Rarasaur

  1. Great post and interview! Rarasaur is one of my favs!

  2. NotAPunkRocker says:

    “The best thing about being a geek is love.”

    Love this. Love Rara. Love you too, Hook.

    (I want to be Cat Woman when I grow up. Not a cat lady, but Cat Woman 🙂 )

  3. Having recently just stretched out of my blogging sub-genre cocoon and reaching out to the greater WP family, Rarasaur’s name has been one of the ones I have heard the most, and attached with much love and adoration. So I am new to this phenomenon that is her and her corner of the world. Looking forward to being a minion 🙂

    Thanks for sharing this, TH!


    • rarasaur says:

      Oh, welcome out of your cocoon, Paul! The water is warm and welcoming here, and I know you’ll have a fabulous time. There’s no minions in these parts, but I look forward to your participation in all our crazy antics and getting to know you. 🙂

  4. Pixie Girl says:

    Great answers 😉 I think I’d go for a ‘cat’ as well… and those clothes are awesome. Is there *anything* Rara is not perfect at?!

    • rarasaur says:

      Aw, thanks, Pix! Truth be told, I’m a fashion disaster, but my husband and my best friends help out and keep me looking somewhat “on purpose”. In fact, when Dave first met me, I was wearing and oversized hot pink sweater, olive green corduroy pants, a paper crown, and a silver cape. 😀

  5. samara says:

    “there’s a bond between us all because we know what it is to be lovingly devoted to an idea, place, time, hope, or hero.”

    Rara just articulated for me how I came to embrace my geekdom. I’m watching my son evolve into one, but a Proud and very Cool one, and I love it.

    There aren’t enough words to describe how much I love Rara, and I already did it over on TwinDaddy’s blog, so I’ll just shut up now.

  6. No one ever has to apologize for posting a picture of Julie Newmar. She is the ultimate.

  7. A delightful interview. Rara is a rare jewel e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. she goes. 😀

  8. Twindaddy says:

    I have extolled Rara til my heart’s content and still had more to say when I’m finished. The bottom line is this: WordPress is a better place because she is here.

  9. Excellent read. And yes, her blog is awesome 😉

  10. mewhinneylee says:

    Lovely interview. She is just so… adorable.

  11. Wonderful!!! Following this amazing brained woman!

  12. Pingback: I’ve Been Hooked! | rarasaur

  13. The Cutter says:

    “Make your house a home.” I like it. That’s a fine mantra for any blogger.

    • rarasaur says:

      I really do believe so– food, sports, life, writing, parenting, or Thanksgiving dresses on non-Thanksgiving– whatever you are offering, people should feel comfy enough to sit at your table. You have a warm and friendly home, Cutter. 😀

  14. djmatticus says:

    No socks?
    But, but, but… socks are awesome!! 😛

    (Go Team Marvel!)

    Your call-out of “love” being the best thing about being a geek is spot on. I wouldn’t have thought of it like that, but it is perfect.

    • rarasaur says:

      Socks suffocate my toes. They’re literally toe murderers. (And, let’s face it, if you had a serial toe killer on your hands, you’d want batman on your side. Go team DC!)

      • djmatticus says:

        That’s silly. Socks are like a comfy blanket that cuddles your toes all day long. But, a blanket with a backbone, protecting your toes from all manner of evil, like, say, The X-men. (Go Team Marvel!)

  15. Aussa Lorens says:

    If I could be any creature for a day, I’d be a Rarasaur so I could see what it is like to view the world with such love and magic and also to experience toes of particularity.

  16. Lily says:

    I sure do love me some Rara! I love that picture of you and your swanky blazer! Great blogging advice!

  17. TJLubrano says:

    This is just fabulous! I love Rara and her magical words and I’m looking forward to the day that we can twirl together for real 🙂

  18. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon says:

    I just love HER! I won an original print by her husband, who is also very talented! Great Guest Post “HOOK”! You sure know how to pick’em….*Catherine* 🙂 🙂
    PS…When I seen the little CAT PIC, I thought it might be ALL ABOUT ME!…..LOL..*Cat*

  19. You have to love and admire somebody who, despite the fact we have never, not once, agreed has had me guest. I had her guest too, but that’s neither here nor there..

    • rarasaur says:

      Not entirely true, Duncan! (See? There we go disagreeing again. 🙂 ) — We both believe in waking up and getting stuff done, and that hippos are entirely worth their own blog topics. 😉

      • Damn. Now I have to agree with you, and then we’ll have agreed and we’ll both have been wrong forever. Dang.
        I’ll have to bite the buller hewre with the hippos since I’ve done at least two posts about them. They go Rawr! as well.

      • rarasaur says:

        Wait… hippos really say rawr?

      • The males have very bad anger management issues, and they’re tooled up for the job. Their canine teeth may be up to 20”, and they have jaws that can crush a whole white cabbage without even slowing down. To ward off enemies, a hippo may yawn, scoop water with its mouth, shake its head, rear up, lunge, roar, grunt, chase, and make a loud wheezing sound, all of which are threat displays. It’s a lot like the Yates’s in Harlow on a Saturday night. If all that posturing doesn’t work, the males will fight, and they inflict a lot of damage when they do. It’s not a half-hearted shoving match. It’s a proper full-on pagga, and if you get caught up in it you are in deep, deep trouble. Again, much like Harlow on a Saturday night.

        From my blog http://nobodysreadingme.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/how-not-to-get-killed-by-a-hippopotamus/

      • rarasaur says:

        For some reason I imagined this as a gurgling sound… like a really loud Tribble. 🙂

  20. Jonny Eberle says:

    Anyone who is a nerd and a tea drinker is good in my book. Thanks for finding all of these great bloggers to follow, Hook!

  21. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    This convergence of bloggers was as awesome as expected, which is a delight because they were not low ones. Thank you both for the smiles and food for thought!

    I especially love the thoughts on the bond of geekdom. Yes!

  22. I do not know where I am going to find the time to read all of the wonderful bloggers you have introduced dear Hookey….but it is so very cool to add yet another one to my every growing list! 🙂
    Rock on~

  23. rarasaur says:

    Ahhh, this was awesome! The cat and Julie Newmar were perfect addictions, and made me smile a mile wide. Thank you, for such a lovely post. I’m so honored to have been able to take part!

  24. JackieP says:

    I always thought no one did Cat Woman like Julie! Rara you are everywhere my friend!! Wow, I’m out of breath trying to keep up, but smiling all the way. Oh, and socks suck. Even with living in Canada I do NOT wear socks! They smother my toes. They bind me.
    Well Hook, you did a bang up job here! 🙂

    • rarasaur says:

      It’s been a busy week for certain, 🙂 I’m glad you agree on the sock-smothering…. it’s a real thing! 😀 And yep, isn’t Hook amazing??

  25. Well, what could I add here that hasn’t already been said. I’ve only recently found rara, and I’ve been Hooked only for a short while longer, but you two are amongst my favorite writers and are proven a couple of the biggest and supportive energies in the blogsphere. High fives for the good guys!

  26. What fun! I never thought of being a cat, I always figured I’d go with a fish or bird. Something that can travel in three dimension= up/down, left/right, forward/backwards. I don’t really consider jumping or digging a hole so much as traveling. But a cat, hmm… Yes to be a cat would be delightful. Your outfit is great, love it!
    Thanks Hook, Rara. 🙂

    • rarasaur says:

      I actually don’t like water much (see: particular toes), and I’m not a huge fan of birds– though I love the perspective of their dimensionality. I’m still a land animal, though– if the question had asked for a longer time frame, though, I would have gone with a monkey or rat. I’m a social critter! Thanks for the outfit love!

  27. The Guat says:

    This is a great feature I’m one of her readers and always like to check in on her. Good to see a little bit more insight behind the dinosaur. Great feature Hook! Awesome answers to the successful blogging questions. 🙂

  28. The Hook says:

    I’ve been offline all day, but your “interview” came out great, didn’t it?
    Thanks again!

  29. Jennifer says:

    It always sounds better in your head… Damn that.

  30. Rara’s answer to the “what makes a successful blogger” question is PERFECTION. This is why she’s one of the best out there.

  31. jaklumen says:

    The best thing about being a geek is… Love.

    I could use some more, because our local and ONLY convention is coming in 20 days, 4 hours, and I’m not sure if I’m ready. As I’m in a small “emerging area”, I have gotten VERY fed up with huge swaths of our local gaming community. I’m going because Princess asked and I’m deciding to do cosplay with her.

    Doubtful you’d come up to southeastern Washington to help us out, but… I need *something* to not give great numbers of people evil looks.

    • rarasaur says:

      You’re so close to where I grew up that many of my friends will probably be there. Just walk around asking people if they know a dinosaur… 😉 Haha! I find that I have better luck in large crowds if I remember that their actions and presence were usually motivated by love. It’s just a matter of figuring out what love– and how it connects to my love. 🙂 Good luck, Jak… it’s nice of you to do that for Princess! 🙂

      • jaklumen says:

        Hmm… it’s possible… I’d have to ask again and again, though.

        It’s not necessarily the large crowds… it’s that I’ve met with some of the smaller groups attending, and I’ve had REALLY bad experiences. People acting petty, inconsiderate, stuff like that. And I’m nervous, because I’m very tempted to tell some of them off, because some really were quite mean.

  32. Trent Lewin says:

    Geek love is true love. Nicely done, Hook. This Rarasaur is pretty cool.

  33. huntmode says:

    To The Hook and to Rara in all her RAWR Splendor – the thing about Rara is there is always something you discover you didn’t know. Thanks to the Hook for giving us more. Best ~ HuntMode

  34. unfetteredbs says:

    How awesome !

  35. My Muted Voice says:

    Rara truly does emulate light and benevolent forces in the blogosphere and I can only imagine what a blessing it is to be her friend in the real world. ❤️

    • rarasaur says:

      How kind! xo! Come by for tea anytime you want a real-world Rara experience, 🙂 It’s not all that exciting, but I promise the tea is good. 🙂

  36. FlaHam says:

    Rara, thank you for offering this unique view into your perspective. As you know, I have only been following for a brief period, but have enjoyed the view so far. Please take care, Bill

  37. Rara, you’re so byooteefull! Silly me, I thought you were a little green dinosaur.

    Loved your answers, even though I’m a sock thug 4 life.

    • rarasaur says:

      Awww, thanks darling Nicki! I’ve been known to transform into a fire-breathing dinosaur from time to time, but now I try to keep my inner dino to a mere shadowy presence!

      My hubby was all about the socks when I met him… but with enough nagging, even the thuggiest sock lover can be converted to a free footer! 🙂

  38. Free footing… live by it! Drives my family nuts though, when I do it in the winter! Where Rara goes… I follow; I know there will be sunshine and fun.

  39. Kozo Hattori says:

    I would argue that we could steal the answer for the best thing about being a geek for the question the best thing about being a blogger. Love the advice in how to be a successful blogger, Rara. In all those tips I could see self-compassion.
    Great interview, Hook. Love the back of your book. {{hugs}} to both of you, Kozo

    • rarasaur says:

      😀 Love is the answer to oh-so-many questions. 🙂 Thanks for popping by, Kozo– and yep, isn’t the back of the Hook’s book fabulous? 😀

  40. Pingback: Wholeness, Authenticity, and Stretching | rarasaur

  41. Loved this! Great interview and I truly appreciate your comments about what makes a great blog. 🙂

    Congrats on being hooked?

  42. Pingback: Unrequited Love–Unfulfilling Sex « everyday gurus

  43. PsiFiGal says:

    I’m behind in my reader, finally got to this interview and lo and behold-it’s one of my favorite bloggers Rara! Thanks Hook for the great questions, and Rara, you rock!

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