Two Posts For The Price of One, Courtesy of the Best Bloggin’ Dog in the Biz…

Chelsea, here, Happy Monday, humans! 2012-08-22 11.46.44

(It’s funny because you two-legged freaks hate this day because you drink and party too hard during the week. Weirdos.)

Here are a  link and a reblog to keep you occupied as you curse that demon alcohol and the day you were born.

Oh, and don’t bother swearing off the drink or making any deals with God to get you though the day; I tried to strike a bargain with The Big Guy, but cats are still roaming the Earth, so trust me, he’s too tough to deal with…

First off, The Hook’s latest column form NiagaraHub:

A Wake-up Call, From The Most Unlikely of Sources

It is an unseasonably, unbearably cold morning in Niagara and as I sit at my bell desk in an increasingly cold lobby, my mind wandered to distant, much warmer locales.

A bellman’s days are a blur of passing vehicles, sliding doors, ringing phones, ridiculous amounts of fast food consumed at an even faster pace, and an inordinate amount of unusual situations that really aren’t all that unusual in this business.

Most hotels go through employees faster than Lindsay Lohan goes through lawyers. And cars, for that matter.

The general tone and pace of the hotel biz wears you down, to say the least. I certainly feel the pressure at times.

And then I was reminded of just how fortunate I am to be right here, right now.


And now, a reblog from that cat lovin’, long john wearin’, plane ridin’ blogger, Becca:

She Likes The D

D as in Detroit of course.

Window seat

I’m on a boat plane.

I could write a long post detailing every little thing I did while in the Detroit area. I could brag about my sweet Red Wings shirt Adam got me hooked up with, or cringe at all of the cereal Adam eats, but you would probably only get half way through reading before your Monday distracted you. So, instead I am going to give you an action packed and easy reading list of all the enchanted and bewildering things I experienced on my trip. You know, the highlights.

I also developed a game for you AND included ANOTHER video. Hold on to your desk. Here we go!

1. I sat by a gentleman named Dallas on my flight to Dallas. Coincidence? I think not.

2. “Helen” cut me off after my third Jack Daniel’s on my second flight. Apparently I was “done.”

3. Adam told me I smelled like a hobo when I got off of the plane, but then I used my hair to mesmerize him. Funny how hobo changes very quickly into fairy princess with one good hair flip.

4. I learned, reluctantly, that turning left on red is a apparently a thing in Michigan. Supposedly. Maybe.

5. It’s a lot easier to take pictures of people sleeping on planes than one would think:


That’s all for now, my tailless friends. See you soon…

About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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18 Responses to Two Posts For The Price of One, Courtesy of the Best Bloggin’ Dog in the Biz…

  1. List of X says:

    Umm, who is Christopher Stoianoff and why is he the author of your article?

    • The Hook says:

      He’s one of the masterminds behind NiagaraHub and to be honest, I’m not sure why they set their bylines up like that.
      But thanks for reading, my friend.

  2. Great post on The Hub, Hook. I agree, everyone should experience the raw power of the Falls at least once. I have my own favorite spot there. I was appreciating Becca’s post earlier today, so that’s checked off the list, too.

  3. Katie says:

    Someday I’ll make it to Niagara Falls, and I’ll hope my behavior doesn’t land me here…

  4. Chelsea,
    Nice to see you again.
    The Hooks column is quite good isn’t it. His epiphany reminds us of some of the joys of the simpler things in life.
    Becca seemed like she had a good time with Adam. Lucky girl.
    Laters Chelsea,

    • The Hook says:

      Thanks, M.
      The Hook has his moments, but don’t tell him I said that… we wouldn’t want him getting an ego. Humans with egos tend to forget to feed the dog…
      Later, M!

  5. mairedubhtx says:

    Love Becca. Glad she’s back from the wilderness of Detroit. But also glad she had a good time. And good morning to Chelsea from her canine friends Ernie and Ralphy, who don’t know it yet but who will be visiting their friendly vet this week for their annual shots (oh, no!). It’s good to see Chelsea on the site every now and then. Ernie and Ralphy look forward to her appearances (I think they have a crush).

    • The Hook says:

      Of course they do. I’m adorable!
      Good luck at the… Oh, I just can’t say it! But good luck you-know-where, Ernie or Ralphy! Just think of treats and squirrel hunts, that gets me through….

  6. Sorry to disillusion you, Chelsea, but I’m always ready to rock’n’roll on a Monday. Sunday is maid’s day off. no going to the pub, no blogging, lots of reading and doing nothing much

  7. Chelsea – paws up for monitoring and adapting to human’s little quirks
    (and Hook, it must be the wild thundering water that keeps the ideas and writing flowing – even on a Monday)

  8. TBM says:

    My dog gives me that look, the “are you that stupid that you keep making the same mistake.” yes I am.

  9. MissFourEyes says:

    “Is Justin Bieber a Biblical plague in near-human form?” haha 😀
    Great post, Hook!
    I love your dog, she so cute

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