Don’t Ask Me Where This Came From. It’s Early And I Have No Idea…

A wise man once said, “The hardest thing about this world is living in it.”

I wholeheartedly disagree.

Living is easy; all you have to do is breathe in and out. It’s just that simple. What’s hard, impossible for some in fact, is to make a connection with the billions of souls walking this earth alongside us. Some poor souls cannot reach out and let others in regardless of how hard they try.

They are lonely among us.

They are lost in the wilderness we call civilization.

To those souls, I say this: the emptiness you’re feeling wasn’t designed for your suffering alone. Every single one of us, regardless of our social or financial standing, has been overwhelmed by internal doubts and fears at one time or another. Some of us feel shame for what we perceive as weakness. Even those who appear to have it all feel emotionally bankrupt at times.

But perhaps feeling empty isn’t a sign of weakness at all. There are billions of souls breathing the same air and pondering the same existential questions simultaneously.

“Who am I?”

“Why am I here?”

“Will anyone ever love me?”

“Do I matter at all?”

Perhaps the questions themselves are the answer.

Perhaps the void is the every thing that actually connects us.

So remember, as you rise from your slumber on this seemingly ordinary day…

You are you, and there can be only one.

You are here to seek answers and find love and fulfillment among billions of souls seeking the same treasure.

To love another, you must first love yourself. So do it.

And most important of all: YOU MATTER.

About The Hook

Husband. Father. Bellman. Author of The Bellman Chronicles. Reader of comic books and observer and chronicler of the human condition. And to my wife's eternal dismay, a mere mortal and non-vampire. I'm often told I look like your uncle, cousin, etc. If I wore a hat, I'd hang it on a hat rack in my home in Niagara Falls, Canada. You can call me The Hook, everyone else does.
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75 Responses to Don’t Ask Me Where This Came From. It’s Early And I Have No Idea…

  1. Lindsay says:

    LOVE this. I manage a page called “The Daily Awe” on Facebook. I’m going to share this there. It’s something I think that audience would really resonate with. What a beautiful way to start the week!

  2. Nicely said, Mr. Hook.

  3. joesard says:

    Thanks Robert, on this side of the pond Monday morning is already advancing into afternoon. I needed that medicine earlier on…but I’ll put it to good use just the same!! 😉

  4. Daile says:

    YOU MATTER Hook. To so many people. And you are right – even the most together people have their demons and their moments. And it’s ok to be in a rut sometimes. As long as you can find your way back out

  5. unfetteredbs says:

    Thank you for this. Good words to read as I struggle to start my day.

  6. likeitiz says:

    Hey! This is good medicine to jump start the week! Thanks.

  7. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Thank you for this today, I needed the reminders 🙂

  8. Jennifer says:

    He woke with words in his soul.
    He spoke, with a deft hand, and a sweet eloquence .
    Beautifully written, and touching the heart.

    Thanks Hook 🙂

  9. TBM says:

    What a great message for a Monday. Thanks, Hook.

  10. Well said! Good words.

  11. tammyarlidge says:

    Thanks Hook. Early morning insight is the best. The clearest. Well spoken! Have a great week ahead.

  12. merbear74 says:


  13. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Thank you, Robert. Wonderful message on (another) rainy morning. Hope you have a great week!

  14. Absolutely love this.So true and so honestly written that I am sure it will be a great boost to all reading it.Perfect.

  15. Great. Stuff.

    Be well my Friend.

  16. mairedubhtx says:

    Beautiful sentiments!

  17. Littlesundog says:

    What a thought-provoking post, Hook! I love it. If I didn’t know differently, I would guess you had a stroll with Daisy deer in the woodlands this morning! Have a great day, my friend!

  18. You are a very wise man, My Friend. It seems a few days off from your much loved usual fare has inspired brilliance.

    • The Hook says:

      Thank you for recognizing my unique wisdom, Michelle.
      Like I said, I have no idea where this came from, but I’m sure glad I took time from my hiatus to share it with all of you.

  19. Rohan 7 Things says:

    Awesome post Robert, there were definitely times in my life that I needed to hear something like this! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  20. I’m a firm believer that the truest of ideas visit us early, before we’ve had a chance to put on our armor and talk ourselves out of them. I’m glad you bolded this: Perhaps the void is the every thing that actually connects us.

    One of my favorite singer/songwriters is David Wilcox (the American one), who has a song about loneliness, well, a few of them, but the one that came to mind was one he wrote upon visiting the Biltmore House, near where he lives in Asheville, NC. It’s titled, “That’s What the Lonely Is For”.

  21. Chicken says:

    Love this.

  22. It’s so nice to be reminded every day from any random source, that YOU DO MATTER! Thanks, Mr. Hook, or should I say ‘CAPTAIN HOOK”?!!!

  23. Tom Merriman says:

    Very true, Hook. Wherever it came from, it’s from a good place!

  24. Wherever this came from, it’s very well said, Robert! As for the void, that can be anything, everything and nothing. It’s up to us to fill it in. ‘Empty’ sounds as nice as tabula rasa…
    Happy Monday! 🙂

  25. It’s really hard to hug myself and type a response at the same time. 🙂

  26. mabukach says:

    I’m ready to kick a little ass tomorrow. Thank you, sir.

  27. wisejourney says:

    You matter today…you matter tomorrow….YOU matter big time 🙂

  28. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    This is lovely, Hook. I think a lot about people I see out there – yes, “lost in the wilderness”. I appreciate your thoughts here.

    I find it difficult to wholeheartedly agree I matter – we’re all replaceable/people get over us, get by, but I understand the concept. All human life matters, really. I like that saying “Where there’s life, there’s hope”.

  29. lbtk says:

    Your posts speaks a great deal of truth, child of the 80s or not. And….there are some people are are probably thanking God above that there is only one me. More than one might be a little overwhelming, Hook! Sandy

  30. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon says:

    Very touching Hook! Even though you have an Awesome sense of Humor….You also have a BIG HEART & Generous Soul! Great post my friend 🙂 🙂 *Catherine* Your Biggest FAN! LOL

  31. Nicely said.
    There used to be an old saying “When I get my shit together….” Obviously the response to that has to be “that happens pretty much every morning – no excuses – get up and do something with what you’ve got, time’s a wasting” and “the bad times are what makes you appreciate the good times” (those old timers can be pretty blunt sometimes…annoyingly so)
    Love your spin on all this – (does it ever amuse you that some day others will be quoting your words as wisdom from those older and wiser? No doubt it’ll happen)
    (Crazy times here – trying to catch up on reading. apologies for being late to the party)

    • The Hook says:

      NEVER apologize, my friend, I’m the most absent friend of all it seems!
      As for my legacy, I just wish I could receive a tenth of this future recognition right now!
      Thanks for stopping by.

  32. I read this article in HuffPo.

    ‘Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy ‘

    When you take away the generational references, we, across the chronological spectrum, are the same. We think everyone else is [positive comparative attribute] than we are.

    We are better or worse in some ways, and we are not in some ways. Realising that every one of us has the same insecurities and fears despite our talents and skills, helps.

    Good post, Hook. Nice to see the softie in you. 🙂


    • The Hook says:

      To be honest, Kate, I’m extremely soft – in the middle, unfortunately.
      And by the way, I’ve published three more posts since this one, but the hiatus is still in effect. Promise!

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